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  Doctor. Dre's 'Beats Electronic' Sued Through Ludacris' Headphone Producer.

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Date d'inscription : 06/07/2011

  Doctor. Dre's 'Beats Electronic' Sued Through Ludacris' Headphone Producer. Empty
MessageSujet: Doctor. Dre's 'Beats Electronic' Sued Through Ludacris' Headphone Producer.     Doctor. Dre's 'Beats Electronic' Sued Through Ludacris' Headphone Producer. EmptyMer 6 Juil - 2:33

Doctor. Dre's Is better than Consumer electronics Strike Along with Suit

Defeat Consumer electronics LLC, the organization possessed through extremely maker Doctor. Dre which creates their personal headphone collection, has beenbeats by dre summoned in order to courtroom through competitor headphone producer, Signeo UNITED STATES.

The actual suit had been submitted 06 two in the usa Area Courtroom for that North Area associated with Ca.

Particulars tend to be rare however the match additionally titles Beast Cable television like a accused in case.

Signeo UNITEDbeats by dre headphones STATES may be the producer from the Spirit headphone collection promoted through Ludacris.

Because formerly documented, Ludacris' Spirit earphones remain at the rear of the actual theory that you ought to "experience which sensation along with every pay attention. inch.
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Doctor. Dre's 'Beats Electronic' Sued Through Ludacris' Headphone Producer.
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